Female Homosexual’s Body Displays Changes Predicted By Happeh Theory

According to Happeh Theory, masturbation will make a human being blind and crippled, as well as causing many other bodily changes and health problems. Homosexuality is also associated with many of the same bodily changes and health problems. This blog entry presents an example of a self professed gay person, whose body corroborates the claim “Homosexuality will make a human being blind and crippled”.

The woman in the following picture is a self declared gay person so there can be no question that homosexuality has had some kind of affect on her body. Please take a moment to examine how her body looks.

The woman is not standing up straight. Her stance and posture are all mixed up. Instead of standing with her feet apart so that her body has balance and stability, her right leg is crossed over her left leg in a way guaranteed to give her stability problems.

That is one of the reasons heterosexual people are called “straight” and homosexual people are called “twisted”. The bodies of homosexual people are actually twisted so they cannot stand up straight.

Homosexuality is also responsible for the look of the woman’s arms. The woman’s left arm hangs down along her body,

while her right arm hangs out away from her body.

The sleeve of the left arm is all the way down to the wrist,

while the sleeve of the right arm has been pulled up.

It is the position of the author that the electric cord was put in her right hand,

to distract the eye away from the different appearance of the two arms.

The woman’s body corroborates the claim by Happeh Theory that Homosexuality is associated with crippling of the body, because a human body whose legs are not stable and whose arms are different lengths and do not hang straight on the body, fits the definition of “crippled”.

The condition of the woman’s head corroborates the claim by Happeh Theory that Homosexuality is associated with some degree of blindness. The woman’s head is hanging down to her right.

Her head is hanging down to her right because the musculature on the right side of the head has atrophied to the point it can no longer hold the right side of the head up. That same shrinkage of the right side of the head affecting the musculature also affects the eyes. The woman’s right eye is mostly obscured by her hair.

The woman has allowed her hair to obscure her right eye because the vision in it has degraded to the point that it makes no difference that there is hair in front of it.

The degradation of the vision in the right eye forces the woman to look mostly through her left eye. That compulsion gives a certain look to the left eye that is called “Cyclopean Eye” in Happeh Theory nomenclature because even though she has two eyes, it looks like she is only focusing out of one of them.

The previous observations corroborate the claim by Happeh Theory that Homosexuality is associated with blindness, because a human body in which the vision has degraded so far in one of the eyes that the person does not mind if that eye is covered up with hair or not, fits the definition of blindness.

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